Things to Know About Getting an Extraction

Things to Know About Getting an Extraction

Sep 15, 2022

Dental professionals do their best to preserve teeth through various dental restoration methods. However, sometimes, removing the teeth is the best option. So when the dentist in Southwest, Houston, TX, finds it necessary, they perform an extraction. Read on for more about the dental extraction procedure.

What Is Dental Extraction?

It is a procedure performed by a dentist or oral surgeon to remove a tooth from its socket. Dental extractions may be carried out on baby teeth and permanent teeth. The two types of extraction usually performed are simple and surgical extraction.

Simple Dental Extraction In Braes Timbers Houston, TX are for teeth visible above the gum line. They must be easily pulled out from their bony socket and tissues. Surgical extractions are recommended for teeth that are not so easily accessed. For example, the tooth may be beneath the gum tissue or too weak to pull out successfully.

Reasons for Extracting Teeth

Teeth are pulled out due to excessive decay, gum infection, or orthodontic reasons. For example, the dentist may remove a tooth to provide room and correct dental crowding. In addition, patients undergoing organ transplants or chemotherapy require extractions of compromised teeth.

Surgical, Dental Extraction In Braes Timbers Houston, TX, are performed for teeth that are:

  • fragile or severely broken
  • curved or have extra long roots
  • impacted or stuck beneath the gums
  • surrounded by a dense bone tissue
  • extracted through a simple extraction procedure but have a fractured root tip

How Is Dental Extraction Done?

The procedure for pulling out a tooth at the dentist’s office in Sharpstown differs. First, it depends on whether you get a simple or surgical extraction. Below are the general steps you can expect for either process.

  • Simple Extraction Procedure

First, the dentist will evaluate your mouth to determine if you are a candidate for extraction. They do this by taking X-rays to check if the tooth has straight roots and an adequate solid structure. Next, the dentist will administer an anesthetic to the tissues around the tooth.

Next, they will release the periodontal ligament fibers that suspend the tooth from its socket. The next step involves loosening and elevating the tooth using a dental elevator. Then, the dentist will grasp the tooth with forceps and remove it from the mouth. Finally, they will pack a gauze pad into the socket to prevent bleeding.

  • Surgical Extraction Procedure

The dentist in Southwest, Houston, TX, begins the procedure after determining that the patient will benefit from it. They first administer local anesthesia and a sedative. These keep the patient comfortable during the process. Next, the dentist will incise and peel back the gum tissue to expose the tooth beneath.

They will then trim away the bone tissues to better access the tooth and remove it without excessive force. If necessary, the tooth is cut into pieces for easier removal. Sectioning the tooth allows the dentist to remove each part separately. The dentist will then perform ridge preservation if the patient wants to avoid jaw bone loss.

Finally, they will stitch the gums in the operated area and place gauze on the socket. Applying pressure on the pad helps minimize bleeding and promotes clot formation. The dentist will give you post-operative instructions to alleviate discomfort and prevent infections.

Healing and Recovery After Dental Extraction

It will take a few days to recover after extraction at the dentist’s office in Sharpstown. The dentist will instruct you to use a cold compress over the operated area to reduce swelling. They will also ask you to take the prescribed medication, rest, and eat soft foods.

In addition, you must rinse your mouth with a saline solution 24 hours after the procedure. This is because food particles and bacteria may travel to the socket resulting in infections. Signs of an infected tooth socket include severe fever, pain, and pus from the incision. You may also have an infection if the bleeding exceeds 12 hours post-operation.

During recovery, the clot may dislodge, leading to a condition known as dry socket. Therefore, you must avoid smoking, using a drinking straw, spitting forcefully, or brushing at the extraction site. Visit the dentist if the pain does not fade after a week or if you have signs of infection. Contact us at Mi Casa Dental – Houston, TX, for safe dental extractions.

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