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It is a surgical procedure done to reinstate lost bone tissue in a part of the jawbone. Ideally, when you lose your natural teeth, the jawbone remains inactive. The inactivity allows for tissue degeneration, which explains the process of bone loss. Besides, you will notice that the gums also begin to recede when you go for a while without teeth.
Bone graft treatment near you is a surgical procedure that involves taking a donor bone graft to promote regeneration of new bone tissue in your jawbone. Your dentist in Houston, TX, may take a bone graft from a different part of your body or a human donor. Sometimes, a dentist may opt for a synthetic bone graft.
Once your dentist obtains the bone graft, he/she will make an incision on your gums to access the jawbone for the grafting process. The graft needs to be fused to your jawbone through dental surgery.
When people inquire about the length of a bone graft, it is usually because of the anticipation of immense pain and discomfort. However, the dentist will use local anesthesia and sedation so that you will not be in pain or experience discomfort during your treatment. The length of the procedure depends on the size of dental work. Some patients need bone grafting on a larger surface in their mouths than others. Besides, the source of the bone material for the grafting process will affect the longevity of your treatment.
The treatment may take longer if your dentist decides to use a bone extract from your body. It means that you will have two surgical points in your body. This will translate to more discomfort during your recovery. However, the prescribed over-the-counter pain medication will help you manage your pain levels as you heal.
Bone loss in your jawbone is not a life-threatening condition. You can lead your life quite well without a healthy jawbone if that makes you comfortable. However, if you are looking to invest in a permanent tooth replacement solution, you will require a bone grafting procedure to restore the health of your bone tissue. Dental implants are small metal posts that need to be installed in the jawbone to be sturdy and effective for tooth replacement. Therefore, unless your jawbone has a healthy bone mass, you cannot receive dental implants.
Another instance where bone grafting is necessary is when bone loss is affecting the health of your remaining teeth. Unfortunately, when your gums recede and lose a lot of bone tissue, it will impact the stability and sturdiness of the adjacent teeth. As such, to prevent your teeth from falling out, your dentist may recommend a bone grafting procedure.
Further, dentists in dental clinics near you may recommend bone grafting as a treatment for periodontitis. Periodontitis is a severe infection of the periodontium. It affects both the gums and the bone tissue. The more severe the infection is, the higher the risk of losing your natural teeth due to tissue degeneration. Bone grafting, therefore, becomes a necessary procedure to treat the infection and restore your dental health.
​At Mi Casa Dental – Houston, TX, we allow bone grafting procedures for patients whose facial appearances have significantly been affected by bone loss. Teeth and jaws promote firmness, fullness, and youthfulness of the face. To remedy facial sagging, sometimes we recommend a bone grafting procedure, along with a tooth replacement solution. These treatments will stabilize your jawbone and offer added support to your facial muscles.
Although it may not be mandatory or necessary for most patients, bone grafting is more useful to some patients than others. You would require the treatment if you: